HomeGuides :: Symphony ProfilerInstallation and ConfigurationInstallation Guide

1.4. Installation Guide

The installation of Symphony Profiler consists of:

  • Installing the main application package to a network drive
  • Installing the Processor component to a back-end workstation or server (the Indexer PC works fine for this)
  • (Optional) Installing the Workstation component to all workstations
  • Performing a test scan

The procedure is straightforward and should take less than 15 minutes to complete.


  1. Ensure the computer to which you are installing Symphony Profiler meets the minimum system requirements
  2. On the workstation to which you will be installing Symphony, launch Worldox as the user you intend to have Symphony Profiler run as (e.g., 000000) to ensure that Worldox has fully initialized that user code on this workstation (Note: Worldox does not need to remain running for Symphony Profiler to run - it simply needs to be launched once)
  3. Ensure that a modern web browser and Adobe Reader (or Acrobat) are installed on the indexer PC (this is not strictly necessary, but it makes troubleshooting easier)
  4. Complete the Symphony Profiler Site Survey with the client:  Symphony Profiler Site Survey

Install Symphony Profiler on the Network

  1. Download and save the Symphony Profiler Setup file
  2. Double click on the installer executable to run the Installation Wizard
  3. Select "Next" on the first screen
  4. Select the destination folder by clicking "Browse" - Important: this should be a location on a network drive - do NOT select a folder on the C: drive of the Indexer PC for the Network installation! 
  5. Once the destination network folder is selected, click "Next"
  6. If this is a brand new installation, you will be prompted that Symphony Profiler has not already been installed to this location.  Select "Yes" to continue with the installation.
  7. Click "Install"
  8. Upon completion of the installation, you will be prompted to Install the Symphony Profiler Processor.  Leave this option selected, and click "Finish" to begin installation of the back-end processor
  9. Adjust security on the network SymphonyProfiler\Workstation\Shared folder so all users have full control permissions to that folders contents
  10. Ensure that opportunistic locking and SMB2 have been disabled on your file server (reference our Disabling Opportunistic Locking and SMB2 article for details if you haven't already done this)

Note:  Installers can be downloaded from the Channel Partner Resource Center - Implementation Resources page

Install Symphony Profiler Processor

You will be prompted to run the Symphony Profiler Processor installation immediately upon completion of installing Symphony Profiler. This installs the Processor to the local disk of the computer.

  1. From the "Symphony Profiler Processor Setup" window, select "Next"
  2. Leave the default destination folder as is, and select "Next". Note: This installation will be on the local disk of the computer.
  3. Determine if you'd like to run Symphony Profiler Processor as a Service or as a Logged in user and select the appropriate radio button.
    1. If you choose to run Symphony Profiler Processor as a Service, you will be prompted to add a Password, please do so, and select "Next"
    2. If you choose to run Symphony Profiler Processor as a Logged in use, select "Next"
  4. Leave the "Start Symphony Profiler Processor" check box checked, and select "Finish"
  5. When the Symphony Profiler Processor application launches, you will be prompted to input the license number. Enter the value provided by Trumpet
  6. Check any software Firewall on the Processor workstation and confirm that it is allowing Symphony Profiler Processor to listen to inbound connections
    (see: Disable the Firewall on the Indexer PC for details on configuring Windows Firewall, and the problems that can occur if the firewall is not configured properly).
  7. Click "OK"

 The Symphony Profiler Processor should now be running, and is ready to be configured.

Configure Symphony Profiler Processor

Now that the Processor has been installed on the indexer workstation, it can be configured for your specific environment. 

Configuration is performed in the Edit > Preferences dialog of the Symphony Profiler Processor. Here are the minimum settings you should review during your installation:

  1. E-mail — this allows the Symphony Profiler Processor to send notification and status e-mails
    1. Enter e-mail configuration information
    2. Use the "Send Test Message" button to ensure that you receive the test e-mail
      Tip: For more information, visit E-Mail Configuration
  2. Worldox — 
    1. Provide the Worldox user code that Symphony Profiler Processor should run as. This user must have full access to the areas of the repository that you wish to make reservations in. Click the "Refresh" button and confirm that you see the profile groups you want to have monitored
    2. Enter the path for the Worldox application in the Worldox Network Folder. 
      NOTE:  If you are running Symphony Profiler Processor as a Service, then you must enter the UNC path of the Worldox installation in the field
    3. Determine if you would like to add the Symphony menu and buttons to Worldox.  If so, check the check box (highly recommended), the alternative is to install a local workstation component for each user.  For more information on the Symphony Menu versus workstation component visit  Symphony Profiler Workstation Installation Instructions
  3. Monitored folders — Add each of the folders you wish the Symphony Profiler Processor to monitor - leave the other settings for each folder as their defaults
  4. Image Processing — If the scanner(s) does not automatically perform blank page removal when scanning mixed duplex/simplex documents, set the drop down to 'Remove all blank pages.' Leave the other settings at their default values

Testing your Installation

Perform the following steps to test your installation of Symphony Profiler:

  1. Create 2 cover sheets. Follow the "Creating Cover Sheets" instructions in the Symphony Profiler User and Administration Guide (found in the Achieving Implementation Success guide)
  2. Create 2 reservations. Follow the "Creating Reservations" instructions in the Symphony Profiler User and Administration Guide
  3. Perform a single scan operation to fulfill the 2 reservations.  Follow the "Fulfilling Reservations" instructions in the Symphony Profiler User and Administration Guide
  4. Monitor the Symphony Profiler Processor to confirm that the reservations are fulfilled. Follow the "Symphony Profiler Processor User Interface" instructions in the Symphony Profiler User and Administration Guide.  Or, show the history of the reservations in the Symphony Profiler Workstation application following the "Operator's Historical Information" instructions in the Symphony Profiler User and Administration Guide

Tip: If you do not have a scanner available, there is a sample scanned document at Server\SampleCoversAndDocuments.pdf – you can make reservations for the following reservation IDs (HNWR7 AEHF7 KK4C4 CC3NX), then drop this test file into the Server\Input folder.

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