Home → Guides :: Assemblage → Troubleshooting Tips and Tricks → Unable to refresh cache - Salesforce exception: The users password has expired, you must call SetPassword before attempting any other API operations
While assembling your reports you receive this error message:
Unable to refresh cache - Salesforce exception: The users password has expired, you must call SetPassword before attempting any other API operations
Your Salesforce password has more than likely expired. Even though you are logged into Salesforce, if you were to log out, you would probably be prompted to change your password.
Go ahead and log out of Salesforce, then follow these steps to update Assemblage to reference the new password for Salesforce:
Assemblage may utilize a firm's existing SOQL (Salesforce) Database to collate various pieces of content. This requires Assemblage to log into the Salesforce API. When you log into Salesforce from an outside application (Assemblage) using the Salesforce API, you must to add a security token to the end of the user's password.
Prior to setting up your Salesforce Connection in Assemblage, you must obtain this security token.
From Salesforce: Navigate to Settings > My Personal Information > Reset My Security Token. This will send a token to the user.
Once you have the security token, you are ready to configure the connection for Assemblage.
This configuration is available from the main Assemblage application under Tools > Preferences > Salesforce connections:
Enter the Salesforce username in the Salesforce user field
Enter the password and security token in the Password field (enter your password first immediately followed by the security token, without any spaces or characters in between)
Select "OK"