HomeGuides :: Attach PlusAdvanced FeaturesAdvanced Settings

6.1. Advanced Settings

Note: The information provided in this document is provided "as-is".   These settings are not guaranteed to be in future versions of Attach Plus, nor do we provide free support for questions regarding them.


To set an advanced setting, do the following:

  1. Right click, Settings
  2. General tab
  3. Click Change Global Settings...
    Tip: If there isn't a Change Global Settings button, skip this step
  4. Advanced tab
  5. Put the setting name and new value in
  6. Click Apply
    Note: This pushes the settings into the registry - there is no way to check the current values via the Attach Plus user interface (these are *advanced* configuration options, after all).   When returning to this dialog, those settings will not be displayed.
  7. After you are done adding settings, close and re-start Attach Plus


Commonly Used Advanced Settings in Attach Plus

onload.enableAPLinkHandling - APLink handling is a special type of Windows shortcut that works with Outlook (by default, Outlook doesn't allow sending of Windows shortcuts without the user jumping through massive hoops).  

onload.DisableHooks - set to 'Y' to turn off 'paperclip' integration

advancedOptions.showAdvancedSettingTab - set to 'N' to not show the advanced tab at all

encryptedDocument.securedByFileNamePostfix - By default ' (Secured by Attach Plus)', but you can change it to any text you wish

pdfamyuni.sendEmailForSaveAndEmail - set to 'N' if you want the Save & Email print driver to act as just a simple PDF print driver (user is prompted to save file, but the Attach Plus dialog doesn't appear afterwards)

pdfamyuni.openPDFInsteadOfSaveForSaveAndEmail - set to 'Y' to open the PDF instead of saving or emailing it when printing to the Save & Email print driver.

zip.encryptIfPasswordRemembered - set to 'Y' to have encryption checkbox automatically checked if the 'remember password' setting is turned on (see passworddialog.advanced.rememberpassword)

zip.allowUnencryptedAttachment – set to 'N' to have Zip attachments fail if not encrypted

pdf.encryptIfPasswordRemembered - set to 'Y' to have encryption checkbox automatically checked if the 'remember password' setting is turned on (see passworddialog.advanced.rememberpassword)

pdf.allowUnencryptedAttachment - set to 'N' to have PDF attachments fail if not encrypted

passworddialog.advanced.rememberpassword - set to 'Y' to remember the sender password from one attachment to another.   This is still reset when Attach Plus shuts down (we don't permanently remember the password), but can be a time saver in certain situations where the user is sending a lot of things to the same recipient every day.

passworddialog.advanced.showrememberpasscheck - set to 'Y' to show a checkbox that allows the user to control the passworddialog.advanced.rememberpassword setting

pdfplus.watermarkquality - defaults to 50.   Adjusts the quality of the watermark.   50 works - best not to change it unless you have a problem with watermark quality

pdfmulti.showbookmarkstab - instructs Acrobat to display the bookmarks tab for the generated PDF (if bookmarks are specified)

pdfmulti.showreorderoncheck - shows a dialog allowing the user to re-order the files when merging multiple files

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