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5.7. Processor

Accessing the Processor

Select Processor in the navigation panel:

The Processor manages the actual OCR processes. Once a document has been identified as eligible for OCR by the Analyzer, the Processor confirms that the file is still eligible for OCR, and then OCRs the file. If a document is successfully OCRed, it is moved to the Processed list (for more information about the flow of documents throughout Symphony OCR, refer to the section Symphony Workflow, Tools & Document Lists).


In the control area, you can choose to refresh the Processor or stop the Processor:

Refresh - Selecting Refresh will refresh the status of the Processor page.

Stop Processor - Selecting this option will stop the Processor from processing documents in the document repository.


The status of the Processor (what it is currently processing).


Processing Capacity Remaining - If you have a license that limits the number of pages you can process per year, the number of pages remaining will appear here.
Machine Processors - Indicates how many logical processors the workstation running SymphonyOCR contains.
Licensed parallel processing - Indicates the number of documents that will be processed by the processor simultaneously.

Recent Performance

Provides performance statistics such as the number of documents and pages that Symphony OCR has processed in a smaller sample size and the average speed of processing per page, the average number of pages per document and the effective throughput of the documents.

Overall Performance

Provides performance statistics such as the total number of documents and pages that Symphony OCR has processed and the average speed of processing per page, the average number of pages per document and the effective throughput of the documents.

Basic Settings

Process TIFFs (OCR and convert to PDF) - Symphony OCR can process TIFF files and convert them to image + text PDF files. This is an optional setting. If you wish to process TIFF documents, simply check this checkbox.

Note:  If the firm opts to process TIFF documents, this will change the file extension to .tif.  This will "break" any relationships or projects that include this file.

Process MSG (email) attachments - Symphony OCR can process email message attachments.  This is an optional setting.  If you wish to process email message attachments, check this checkbox. 

<Big fat scary warning: 

Due to a limitation in newer versions of Office, Microsoft prevents us from accessing the DLLs that allow us to read/process emails under the following conditions: 
> Symphony OCR is configured to run as a service
> 'Process MSG (email) attachments' is checked
> Outlook 2013 (or possibly Outlook 2016) is open

In these circumstances, you're likely to see the following error:

Therefore, if Symphony OCR is being installed to run as a service *and* will be configured to process email attachments, it is our recommendation to install it on a machine that will not normally have Outlook 2013 (or possibly 2016) open.  On the bright side, our testing has shown that in these situations, Symphony is still processing normal documents and WILL eventually recover and process emails after Office is closed.  But if you can, we recommend avoiding this situation.  If your experience is different, we'd like to hear about it. 

End of big fat scary warning>

Do not process documents younger than - The default setting is 30 seconds. If you wish to have the Processor wait longer to process documents, simply change the value in the field. Trumpet recommends that this value is not decreased to less than 30 seconds to ensure that documents are fully written to the disk before processing.

Do not process documents older than - If you have older documents that you do not want Symphony OCR to process, enter a specific number of days for which the software should process backlog.

Automatically rotate pages to proper orientation -  If selected, the pages will rotate either landscape or portrait according to the text on the page.

Original retention settings

Retain originals of processed files - If selected, Symphony OCR retains copies of the documents that is has processed. These copies appear as versions (if Symphony OCR processes a document 3 times, it will maintain copies of all 3 versions of the document). The user can restore previous versions of a document from the Symphony OCR backup using the document Details screen.

Purge originals of processed files after - The default setting is to retain the originals of processed files for 7 days after which they will be purged. If you wish to change this setting, you can change the value to the appropriate number of days for your firm.

Backlog throttling settings (only needed when your license does NOT have unlimited pages for processing)

Default processing capacity reserved for new documents (based on the actual number of new pages added each day) -  This is calculated from the number of pages that were added to the site in the past year.

Override the default processing capacity reserve - This will determine the number of pages you would like to reserve for new documents, evenly spreading the page count capacity across the entire year. To determine a reasonable reserve, allow the Symphony OCR Analyzer module to run, then look at the timeline for the Processing Queue. Adding the number of pages in the first 52 weeks, and dividing by 365 will give an average number of pages added to the system per year. Trumpet recommends adding an additional 10% to accommodate for future growth or above average filing. This value should be a reasonable overclocking reserve.

Advanced Settings:

Enable OCR debug logging - This will enable debugging for support purposes.

Create thumbnails (if not already present) - Checking this checkbox will create thumbnails if they are not already present.

Enable OCR debug logging - This will help our support team address issues if necessary.  In order to reserve disk space, we recommend not enabling this unless requested by our support team.

Limit parallel processing to X documents- This allows you to limit the number of cores that Symphony OCR will utilize. It uses 1 core per document. For example, if you input 3 Symphony OCR will only use 3 cores, and will process 3 documents simultaneously. See: How does Symphony OCR impact the performance of the server or indexer PC

Upon making changes to any of the above settings, select "Save Changes".

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