Home → Guides :: Symphony OCR → Advanced Reporting Features → Progress Details
The search summary provides a list of cabinets and the number of documents and pages within that cabinet (profile group).
To access the Progress Details page, select "View Detailed Progress" in the appropriate DMS's configuration page.
From the Progress Details, you can evaluate the number of documents / pages per cabinet (profile group) and determine the percentage of completion within the cabinet (profile group). This can assist you in understanding how many documents are eligible for OCR in a particular cabinet (profile group) and can lead to decision making regarding the priority in which you may want to process those documents.
Once you have accessed this page, you can select any of the cabinets (profile groups) to open the Processing Document List. This will automatically filter the Processing Document List to contain only the documents in this particular cabinet (profile group).
See Manipulating Document Lists for further information on how to manipulate the document records for these documents.