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For a video showing the configuration, visit: Symphony OCR - How to configure for NetDocuments
For more detailed information and advanced settings for configuring Symphony OCR, visit Configuration Guide - NetDocuments
*When Symphony OCR processes documents, the 'modified date' of the document will be updated to the date that the OCR occurs, and the 'modified by' will change to the user that Symphony OCR.
Symphony OCR should be off and running now! The Finder is looking through your repository and sending documents to the Analyzer to determine what needs to be processed. The Analyzer sends any documents eligible for OCR to the Processor which applies an invisible layer of text to the document.
By default, Symphony OCR queries the document repository for newly saved and modified files every 15 minutes. Generally speaking, newly saved files will be OCRed within about 15 minutes. Symphony OCR can also optionally process the files already stored in NetDocuments. By default, it performs a query for these files every 7 days. Symphony OCR gives precedence to newer files, so documents that are scanned today will be processed before the legacy documents.
Note that Text-in-File searches within Netdocuments may not return the text in your recently OCR'd files for up to 6-8 hours. This is due to Netdocuments API and the behavior they've designed to run API operations at a lower priority. You will, however, be able to open the file and benefit from the OCR immediately after Symphony processes it.
Refer to the section, Configuration Guide - NetDocuments - Finder, for further information on finder settings that determine when Symphony OCR locates files for processing.
Refer to the section, Configuration Guide - NetDocuments - Processor, for further information on settings that determine which files are processed