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Connect to NetDocuments
Enable NetDocuments Integration
Available Repositories
This is the list of repositories the specified user has access to. If you wish to only process certain repositories, you can simply select the applicable ones. Select "Activate" to activate the repository for processing and confirm by select "Yes - Activate this repository". If you do not wish to activate the repository, choose "Cancel".
Important Note: Adding a repository to Symphony OCR is a one-way action; once added, a repository can not be removed. Be sure you only activate processing of repositories that you want to permanently tie to your license. Activating a repository will increase your NetDocuments user count.
Basic Settings
Connected to NetDocuments as — Displays the user as which Symphony OCR connects to NetDocuments.
Active Repository — Displays the active repository name(s).
Preserve modified user and date — Should be selected by default. This will ensure that when Symphony OCR processes a document it does not change the modified date or the user of the document.
Temporarily adjust security on non-Editable documents — This setting is enabled by default for new installations. When checked, Symphony OCR will be able to process documents even if the NetDocuments user Symphony runs as does not have Edit permissions to the document, but the user does have Administer permissions. Symphony OCR will temporarily add Edit permissions for it's user when it returns OCR results back to NetDocuments. The original permissions are restored once the OCR results are returned.
Process legacy documents — When checked, Symphony OCR will process eligible documents that are already stored in NetDocuments. If the "Preserve modified user and date" checkbox is not set, this will update the modified date to the date that the OCR occurs. Note also that the 'modified by' user will be changed to the user that Symphony OCR is connected to NetDocuments under. If the "Preserved modified user and date" checkbox is checked, the dates and users will not be modified.
Create versions of OCRed results — When selected, Symphony OCR will save the OCRed document as a new version. If the "Preserve modified user and date" checkbox is not set, this will allow you to see the modified date of the document if you choose to process legacy documents, however, this will significantly increase your storage (see Modified Dates of Documents in NetDocuments for further details). If the "Preserve modified user and date" checkbox is set, you may still opt to check this check box, again understanding that this will significantly increase your storage).
Cabinets to Monitor
This is the list of cabinets the Symphony OCR user has access to. If a cabinet does not appear in the list, this user does not have access to those cabinets. You can select the checkbox in the header area to automatically select and process all documents in all cabinets. If you wish to only process certain cabinets, you can simply select the applicable ones. Be sure to select "Save Changes" at the bottom of the screen. If you wish to process certain cabinets at a higher priority than others, you can do so by selecting the appropriate drop down in the list. For more information see: Processing Priorities
View detailed progress — Selecting this link will take you to the Progress Details page. This will provide you with a list of cabinets and the number of documents and pages that have been processed / not processed per cabinet.
Advanced Settings
Create versions of OCRed results — When checked, Symphony OCR will saved the OCRed document as a second version of the original. This will significantly increase the amount of storage as this will in essence duplicate documents. We strongly recommend against enabling this feature, as Symphony OCR has several mechanisms available for recovering pre-OCRed versions of documents.
New documents search frequency — By default, Symphony OCR will perform a search for new documents every 15 minutes. The value on the right may be adjusted if you require searching for documents less frequently.
Legacy documents search frequency — By default, Symphony OCR will perform a search for legacy documents (documents existing prior to installing Symphony OCR) every 7 days.