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Guides :: Trumpet Publisher for Sharefile

1. Installation and Set Up

1.1. Install Assemblage

Trumpet Publisher is a tool that is included in the Assemblage application.  Therefore, you must install the full version of Assemblage, but you will be licensed to utilize the Trumpet Publisher tool only.

Assemblage itself runs only on user desktops (or as a simple published app) - there are no services installed or changes made to the file server except for the creation of a shared network folder.

During installation, the Assemblage executable and configuration files are installed to a network drive.

Assemblage should be installed to a network drive accessible by those in the firm who will need to use the software (e.g. X:\Assemblage).  This does not need a dedicated network drive, and can be installed to an existing location. This network drive should have enough disk capacity to hold all the content that will be included in your report packages.

1)    Download and save the Assemblage Installer file provided to you via email
2)    Double click on the installer executable to run the Installation Wizard
3)    Click "Next" at the Welcome window
4)    Read the Software License Agreement and select "I Agree"
5)    Select "Browse" and locate the network location (drive letter) to which you wish to install Assemblage
6)    Select "Install"
7)    Navigate to X:\Assemblage (where "X" is the network drive to which Assemblage is installed) and double click on the Assemblage executable file (assemblage.exe) to launch
8)    If Assemblage prompts you to install a Java runtime, follow the prompts (this is a one time installation that will be done on each workstation as the user launches for the first time)
8)    When prompted, copy and paste the license number provided to you via email
9)    Click "OK"

Assemblage should now be installed on your network.



1.2. Database Connections Set Up

Assemblage often utilizes a firm's existing SQL Databases to collate various pieces of content.  Trumpet establishes those connections via Windows authenticated connections. 

This configuration is available from the main Assemblage application, Tools->Preferences, Database connections:

You can have multiple Database connections

To add a database connection, select "Add"


When the "Add..." window opens, provide a Connection name (typically the name of the software):


The Connection URL field should be completed as follows:


Where you replace the "<servername>" with the actual server name, <databasename> with the actual database name and <instancename> with the actual instance name

e.g. jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://SRV2014/JUNXURE;instance=JUNXURE
e.g. jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://SRV2014/PC;instance=PORTFOLIOCENTER



If your SQL server requires SSL encryption, you will need to add ssl=required to the end of your Connection URL. 


e.g. jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://SRV2014/JUNXURE;instance=JUNXURE;ssl=required

e.g. jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://SRV2014/PC;instance=PORTFOLIOCENTER;ssl=required

If you have a set user that you would like to set for accessing the Database you can add the following to the string:


e.g. jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://<servername>/<databasename>;instance=<instancename>;user=<username>;password=<password>


To ensure that you have access to the appropriate database, select "Test Connection"


If your connection is set properly, you will see the a green check, along with the dialog that says "Successful connection made!"



2. Trumpet Publisher - End User Instructions

2.1. Clear Content

The first step in utilizing the Trumpet Publisher it to clear the content of the reports generated from your last reporting period.

To do so, navigate to X:\Assemblage\Workspace\Trumpet Publisher Project\Publisher In\

(where "X" is the network drive to which Assemblage is installed)

and delete the pdf files from the last reporting period.


2.2. Generate Content

Generate the content you wish to publish using your saved Batch Print Job or Saved Job in Presentation Studio.

This should place the content in the X:\Assemblage\Workspace\Trumpet Publisher Project\Publisher In\ folder (where "X" is the network drive to which Assemblage is installed).

Note:  The location in which you generate your reports should not matter as long as the file path is equivalent to that which you utilized during your set up.


2.3. Publish Files

  • Navigate to X:\Assemblage\Tools (where "X" is the network drive to which Assemblage is installed) and double click on the "Trumpet Publisher for Sharefile" tool
  • Upon launching the software, you will be prompted to select a configuration:

  • Double click on the configuration file
    Select "Choose another" and navigate to the X:\Assemblage\Workspace\Trumpet Publisher Project\Config\ folder to select the configuration file (where "X" is the network drive to which Assemblage is installed)
  • The Sharefiler tool will open and prompt you for your Email Address and Password:

    Enter your email address and password for ShareFile and select "Sign In"
  • Navigate to the X:\Assemblage\Workspace\Trumpet Publisher Project\Publisher In\ folder (where "X" is the network drive to which Assemblage is installed)
  • Drag and drop the files from this folder onto the Trumpet Publisher Tool
  • Update any place holders in the Target ShareFile Path field (e.g. update YYYYQQ to the appropriate year quarter (like 2014Q2)
  • If you wish to Automatically remove documents after a particular period of time, check the check box next to "Automatically remove documents" and type in the number of days you wish to have the documents removed after:
  • Review
    • Check any problems and resolve any mapping issues.  If you need to review a particular file to determine it's contents, you can right click on the file and choose either "View in Explorer" or "Preview"

      View in Explorer - Launches windows explorer with the document you have selected highlighted
      Preview - Launches the document
    • Remove any unwanted files from the dialog by right clicking and choosing "Remove item(s)".  This will remove any highlighted items from the list.
    • Review the location a particular file will be uploaded to to ensure that you're uploading to the correct path by right clicking on the file and choosing "View in ShareFile"
  • Select "Send Files" at the bottom of the dialog to send the files to ShareFile
    Note:  If you have files highlighted, Trumpet Publisher for ShareFile will only publish those that you have highlighted.  If you wish to send all files to ShareFile, select Ctrl + A on your keyboard, or have no files selected in the dialog
  • If you need to Cancel Publishing for any reason, select the "Cancel" button.  Any files that have the green check in the Send Result column will be published to Sharefile, and you will need to delete those manually.



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