HomeTraining Manual Archives-Worldox GX4::Worldox Migration StrategiesPrinter Friendly Version

Training Manual Archives-Worldox GX4::Worldox Migration Strategies

1. About this Course

1.1. Instructional Goals

Upon completion of this course, you should be able to:

  • Move documents from your existing legacy cabinet structure to Worldox

1.2. Topics not Covered

Topics that will not be covered in this course:

  • Administering Worldox
  • Administering Symphony Profiler
  • Customizing Worldox
  • Advanced topics for manipulating documents

1.3. Prerequisites

The following are prerequisites for this course:

  • Worldox must be installed on the users' workstations
  • Worldox must be installed on the workstation used for this training session
  • Users must have attended the following Trumpet Training Session(s)

Savvy Saving Training

Savvy Searching Training

Worldox Administrator Training


2. Video Showing the Moves

2.1. Video Instructions

For a video showing how to move documents from the legacy cabinet to the active cabinet, please visit:  Migrate Legacy Documents to Worldox


3. IMPORTANT NOTE: Re: Linked Files

3.1. Linked Files

Prior to getting started in moving your documents, it's important to note the following:

If your documents contain links to other documents or if your documents are linked to your CRM, Client Portal, etc and we move those, it will effectively break the link. Any documents that contain links to other documents or are linked to your CRM, Client Portal, etc. should not be moved unless you are comfortable breaking this linkage.

4. Comparison of Folder Structure to Legacy Cabinet Directories

4.1. What is a Legacy Cabinet

A legacy cabinet is a special cabinet that points to a folder structure outside the Worldox Document Repository.  This is a read only cabinet therefore you cannot save documents to this cabinet.  The purpose of this cabinet is to provide you with indexing tools to enable you to easily migrate the documents in this location to the Worldox Document Repository.

Worldox Professional

Documents that are accessible via the Legacy Cabinet are literally the exact same files stored in your legacy folder structure:

and when viewing these files, you're viewing the files in your network directory structure.

Worldox Cloud

Trumpet will create a copy of your existing folder structure and place the copy on the cloud.  Trumpet recommends that once they have been moved, you make that directory read only so that no one saves additional documents to that structure.

The Folder structure on the Cloud will be an *exact* copy of your existing folder structure as seen in the illustration above.


4.2. Legacy Cabinet Fields

During your Migration Kick Off Meeting, your Trumpet Advisor will have worked with you to determine how deep within the folder structure you are able to map your files (e.g. at the client level, or at the client / account level, etc)

Based on that evaluation, your advisor will set up your cabinet to have the same fields as either your Client\Client cabinet or your Client\Accounts cabinet.  This is typically simply your client client cabinet and the legacy cabinet will look like this:


The Clients will be assigned to the documents based on the mapping performed during your implementation.

The other fields (Category, Document Type, etc) may or may not be mapped based on the existing folder structure.  Typically they are not, therefore, the classifications for these fields are assigned as you move your documents.


5. Getting Started

5.1. Create a Search Button for your Legacy Cabinet

In order to save time when searching for documents to move to your Active Cabinets, you can create a search button.  Here's how:

Create a Find Template:

  • Open a Search Card
  • Select the "Legacy Cabinet"
  • In the Client field type "NOT ~"

    Note:  This will ensure that any documents that do not have pre-assigned client codes do not show up in your searches making moving documents easier.
  • Select "Options -> Save Template"
  • The "Save Find Template" Window will open

    • Give the Template a meaningful name
    • Select "Show Template
    • Make it available for Everyone
    • Click the "Save" button

Create a Button Bar Button pointing to your Template

  • Right click in the button bar button area, and choose "Create"
  • Select the "Search" radio button:
  • Click OK
  • Select the find template you created from the list of find templates
  • Select "Show Template"
  • Select Pin to Button Bar
  • Select "Everyone"
  • Click Save





5.2. Update your Virtuoso Buttons

In order to ensure that your users are able to utilize Worldox to search for all documents regardless of whether they are in your legacy folder structure or your active document repository, you may want to add and / or update your Virtuoso buttons to include the legacy cabinet.

For instructions on doing this, see: 

Create Find Templates
Edit Find TemplatesCreate a Launcher Button in Virtuoso
Edit a Launcher Button in Virtuoso




6. Moving Files

6.1. Determine which files to Move



It is most efficient to focus on identifying documents that have been filed consistently in your legacy directory first.  The goal is to group as many documents as possible with like document types.  So for example, all "Correspondence" or all "Trusts".  The goal is to move all of these all in "big hits" because you've already pre-assigned the client code.  For the most part, you'll be searching in the "Name" field using keyword searches.  The "Name field" will include the filename on the document and will also include (in the comments area) the full file path of the document (e.g. \\server1\share\clients\Smith, Mary\Legal\Irrevocable Trust dtd 2012-03-19.pdf)

So, for example, you could do a search for all documents with the word "Trust" in the filename:

and move those documents.

Boolean Searching


You may need to do some Boolean searching as well.  For example, if you did a search for all documents with "Will" in the Name field, your search might return things like "Last Will and Testament", and "Living Will".  However, you may want Living Wills to be filed under a different document type than Last Will and Testaments.

Therefore, you may want to conduct your search like this:


The "OR" boolean is helpful when naming conventions on your folder structure may've changed over time.  So, for example, perhaps some folks have named documents "IPS" while others have typed out "Investment Policy Statement".  Using the "OR" boolean will assist you in searching for any document that has IPS along with any document that has the Investment Policy Statement in the title:

Additional Strategies:

  • Start with documents that are easy to identify and can be found in larger groups (e.g. Legal documents, Agreements, Tax Returns, etc)
  • Repeat your process of identifying the next group of like documents and moving them until you are down to the odds and ends
  • Make some up-front decisions about how far back you wish to move the documents (e.g. do you want all the documents to be moved to the new cabinets, or just ones for the past 7 years, what are your "mission critical" documents that would be cumbersome to not have in the cabinet structure, etc.)
  • Notify your staff.  Let the team know that you've moved all agreements, all tax returns, etc. so they aren't continuing to look for those in the legacy cabinet

6.2. Move your Files

Once you've narrowed your search criteria down to include the files that would belong in a particular category / doc type combination, it's time to move your files!

Select CTRL + A on your keyboard to select all files:

Next, "eyewash" or scan through the list of files to ensure you wish to move all of those files to the same category / doc type combination.  There may be some instances where a word or phrase that you searched for might need to be excluded.  For example, if you have done a search for documents with the keyword "Will" you may have some files that have "Will" in the title because that's the person's name not because it's actually a "Last Will and Testament" for example.

As you go through these, uncheck the green check box on the left hand side for any files you don't wish to migrate.

Once you are satisfied with your list, it's time to "move" the files.

To do so, click the "Move" button in Worldox:

Confirm that you want to move that number of files by selecting "Continue"

A profile card will then open.

Select the appropriate cabinet from the drop down.

Leave the asterisk in the "Client" field

Populate the Category and / or Doc Type fields as appropriate.

Select the "Move" button at the bottom.


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