HomeGuides :: Symphony ProfilerFAQsConfiguring Scan to Symphony for the Fujitsu ScanSnap

5.3. Configuring Scan to Symphony for the Fujitsu ScanSnap

To configure the Fujitsu ScanSnap to automatically scan directly to the Symphony Profiler input folder, Trumpet recommends setting up a "Scan to Symphony" profile in the ScanSnap Manager.  Here's how:

  1. Right-click on the ScanSnap Manager icon in the system tray and select "Scan button settings"
  2. Switch to the Application tab 
    Tip: The "Use Quick Menu" checkbox must be unchecked to access the Application tab.
  3. Select the "Scan to File" application
  4. Switch to the Save tab
  5. Set the "Image saving folder" to your desired Symphony Profiler input folder
  6. Ensure all other options on the Scanning, File Option and Paper tabs are configured as desired
    Tip: Use the Duplex Scan option under the Scanning tab, and Symphony Profiler will automatically remove blank pages for any single-sided scans.
  7. Select Profile > Add Profile
  8. Name the Profile "Scan to Symphony"
  9. Click OK
  10. Left-click on the ScanSnap Manager icon in the system tray, and ensure the "Scan to Symphony" profile is set as the default scanning profile
Note: Trumpet strongly recommends configuring an alternate profile to scan locally, or outside of the Symphony input folder.  The firm can use this profile for any scans that are not scanned with a Symphony Profiler cover page (i.e. should not be filed to Worldox).
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