HomeGuide Archives :: Worldox GX3Search for DocumentsPortion of a Field, Wildcards, Replacement Values

12.7. Portion of a Field, Wildcards, Replacement Values

While file Naming Conventions are important, we all make errors when typing, or we might pluralize a word when someone else wouldn't.  For example, one user might file both a Federal and State Tax Return as one document and profile that document as Tax Returns.  Another user might file those as two separate documents and profile one as  Federal Tax Return, and the other as State Return.

You can search for a portion of the word you wish to search against using a Wildcard or asterisk.

Type in the beginning of the word in either the "Desc/Comments" field or the "Text in File" field, followed by an asterisk

Select Search

You can also place an asterisk at the beginning of the word, but not both.  For example, if you type in *balance - this search will pull documents that refer to either a balance or an imbalance, but you cannot use two asterisks such as  *balanc* and retrieve documents that refer to balanced, balancing and imbalance.

Note:  You can use the wildcard in *any* field.  So if you have multiple Doc Types that begin with CORR, (e.g. CORR3RD, CORRIN, CORROUT, you can Type into the search field "CORR*" to retrieve all types of correspondence in one search.

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