HomeGuide Archives:: Worldox GX4Column HeadersSort Column Headers

16.5. Sort Column Headers

You can tell which column header is sorted on by the blue triangle next to the column.  You can sort by a single column or multiple (2) columns.

Sort by a Single Field:

To sort ascending, left-click on the header of the column in which you wish to sort.  To sort in descending order, hold down the Ctrl key and left-click on the header
  • A blue arrow will appear in that column header indicating the active sort

  • If the arrow is pointing up, the sort is in an ascending order.  If the arrow is pointing down, the sort is in a descending order

  • To change the direction of the sort, click on the same column header again

Sort by Multiple Fields:

  • Right-click on an empty space in the column header section of the search results window

  • Select "Set Multi-Level Sort"

  • Choose fields for the "Sort By" and "Then By" sequence.  Then select Ascending (A to Z) or Descending (Z to A) for each selection and click "OK"

  • The sort format will stay in effect until you change it

    Note:  The Sort window will only display the fields available in the Column Headers

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