HomeGuide Archives:: Worldox GX4Advanced IntegrationLaunching searches using Worldox wdox hyperlinks (URLs)

39.2. Launching searches using Worldox wdox hyperlinks (URLs)


Worldox supports initiating searches using specially formatted hyperlink URLs.  This allows for very powerful integration with systems in your firm.  Some examples:

  • Include a hyperlink in a process checklist that searches for the next checklist in a long process

  • Include a hyperlink in a process checklist that searches for documents needed by that process (e.g. Invoices that have status=NEEDPAY)

  • Include a hyperlink in a blog post to a research document that is stored in Worldox

  • Include a dynamic hyperlink in your CRM that searches for documents for the current contact, account, fund ID

  • Include a dynamic hyperlink in a spreadsheet that performs a search based on the data in the spreadsheet

  • Include a Search URL to Worldox using a Virtuoso button

The possibilities are really endless.  If you would like to brainstorm about how to take advantage of these types of URLs, let us know!

Note: If you are a Google Chrome user, be sure to see the note at the end of this article about launching Worldox hyperlinks in Chrome

URL format

The Worldox URL format is as follows:

  • wdox://<query string>

Where <query string> is defined below.  For example, if you wished to search for a single document in Worldox, you would use the following:

  • wdox://?D12345

Query String Details

A query string is made up of a series of search criteria.  The criteria starts with a question mark (?) followed by a single character (e.g. ?D means 'Doc ID').  After the single character comes the details of your search term.  If additional parameters are desired, an additional question mark is added, etc...

The following table defines each of the search criteria that you can specify:


Prefix Data Type Notes
?@ Find template name Only one Template Name is allowed. The template name
must be the last parameter passed in your search string
?T Text in file Use boolean values to separate non-sequential words or
?E Description or comments Use boolean values to separate non-sequential words or
?D Doc ID Use a boolean value between names. Standard DOS wild
cards are allowed (e.g. "*.DOC").
?I Owner initials Use "/C" to get Checked-Out files.
?C Date created range Single date: "mm/dd/yy".
Range of dates: ">=mm/dd/yy <=mm/dd/yy"
?U Date updated range Single date: "mm/dd/yy".
Range of dates: ">=mm/dd/yy <=mm/dd/yy"
?G Profile group/Cabinet # Profile Group ID's +1, comma separated (see wdadmin for the cabinet IDs, and then add 1 to the ID)
?1 Field 1 code Separate multiple codes with a space, a boolean value of
"OR" is assumed. Refer to the cabinet settings in wdadmin for the field # as it may not be the order you see when you profile a document.
?2 Field 2 code Same as Field 1 code
?3 Field 3 code Same as Field 1 code
?4 Field 4 code Same as Field 1 code
?5 Field 5 code Same as Field 1 code
?6 Field 6 code Same as Field 1 code
?7 Field 7 code Same as Field 1 code

A few simple examples:

Scenario: Searching for a doc id, or multiple doc ids:

  • single doc ID: wdox://?D123456
  • multiple doc IDs: wdox://?D123456 128783 127800

Spaces separate each ID. Leading zeros are not required.

Scenario: Searching a particular cabinet(s) and certain field codes:

  • one cabinet and one field code: wdox://?G5 ?4 CORR
    • Outcome: search in X cabinet for documents with CORR in field 4
  • one cabinet and 2 values in 1 field:  wdox://?G5 ?4 NOTES CORR
    • Outcome: search in X cabinet for documents with NOTES OR CORR in field 4
  • two cabinets and one value in two different fields: wdox://?G5,17 ?2 NOTES ?4 CORR
    • Outcome: search in X cabinet OR Y cabinet for documents with NOTES in field 2 AND CORR in field 4

In those examples, the cabinet IDs are 4 and 16 because you have to add 1 to the cabinet code. Separate cabinet codes with commas. The field numbers are input how ever they are numbered in the cabinet settings (found in wdadmin). Separate field codes with spaces.

"OR" Operations

To instruct Worldox to treat a given query condition as an 'OR', put the word 'OR' at the end of the query parameter.  e.g.:

  • wdox://?D12345 OR ?E This is a test OR

This URL will search for documents that have doc ID = 12345 OR Description/Comments containing the phrase 'This is a test'.  Be sure to put the OR at the end of each search term.  If OR is omitted, the search term is treated as an AND.

Google Chrome Users

Click on a wdox hyperlink in the body of a web page (here's a handy link that you can use:  wdox://?E TEST ).  When you do this, Chrome will prompt as follows:

UPDATE:  It has come to our attention that older versions of Chrome will allow you to Check the 'Remember my choice' checkbox, then click 'Open'.  But in newer versions, you will always receive the prompt as Chrome has removed the Remember my choice for Worldox.exe links checkbox.

If you find out how to make Chrome remember this choice, please let us know and we'll update this page (and give you credit!)

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